
Students lead on community service

Donation drive to raise funds for FoodBank

Despite a global pandemic and a large number of restrictions on how we interact with one another, this term has seen CCGS students come out in force ready to make positive contributions for their community.

Through fundraising efforts, citizen science or speaking out to raise awareness on global issues, students have sought out creative ways to make a difference in our community. Here are just a few of the actions students are taking to support others.Ìý

There's something froggy going on

Year 9 Science students took part in FrogID Week - Australia's biggest frog count, organised by the Australian Musuem.

Frogs are under threat from habitat loss, disease and climate change. Taking part in FrogID can help provide scientists with valuable data for the protection and conservation of frogs.

Students took Sunny the dog on a nature walk around Vision Splendid gardens and pond to observe and record what froggy calls they could hear. Findings were submitted to the FrogID app.

CCGS Students record data as part of FrogID

Foundation Day raises funds for Save the Children

On 3 November we celebrated Foundation Day. A day etched with tradition and history. We reflected on the very early days of the school and how far we have come as a school community.

This morning students performed one of our long-held Foundation Day traditions, forming a line of coins around the school. Over $1,500 will be donated to Save the Children Australia. Thank you to our entire community who supported this day.Ìý

Foundation Day raises funds for Save the Children

Donation drive for FoodBank

Spring cleans, car cleans. Book stalls, cake stalls. Ocean swims and dog treats.

These are just a few ways that Year 6 have come together to raise money for FoodBank NSW&ACT - a charity helping to support families struggling to buy staples and goods.

QR Codes on items sold linked supporters direct to the Year 6 fundraising page to make their donation. The students have raised an incredible $2500 so far.

CCGS students use QR Codes to encourage FoodBank donations

Mission Zero

As part of the Daily Telegraph's Mission Zero project, primary school students in NSW and ACT were invited to share their ideas on how we can tackle climate change.

Year 5 and 6 students across the region spoke out on what climate change means to them. Lachlan Harris in Year 6 shared his ideas for CCGS.

Mo's and Moves for Movember

Year 11 students are growing mo's and keeping active to help raise awareness and donations for men's mental health as part of Movember. Did you know that 75% of all suicides are male and the men die on average five years earlier than women?

Students are raising funds and awareness this Movember for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives.Ìý

Students get behind Movember by growing Mo's and moving

Year 10 Christmas Hamper Drive

Year 10 Geography classes are studying human wellbeing by looking at the differences in income, access to healthcare and education in different parts of the world.

They researched the spatial inequality in parts of India and Australia and took a deep dive into the Australian Bureau of Statistics where they looked more closely at the Central Coast region. Here they discovered differences across the region, using the key indicators of education and training, welfare, public services, household income and employment rates. This prompted students to rally together to help.

They are making special Christmas meal hampers and hope to deliver 25 to Coast Shelter. A great example of learning that changes hearts and minds.

Year 10 make Christmas Food Hampers for Coast Shelter

Supporting those in need

The pandemic delivered a unique set of challenges for people experiencing homelessness in Australia.

While NSW locked down and we were encouraged to stay in our homes, the Sunday Lunches program - held at Gosford Uniting's church hall - continued to work with volunteers to provide a nutritious meal every Sunday to people who may be experiencing loneliness, unemployment or homelessness.

Senior school students have been involved in the Sunday Lunches program for 17 years.Ìý

Despite the challenges this year has faced, 26 CCGS students have continued to work 60 shifts throughout 2021 to provide a helping hand. Thank you to all our student volunteers.


Find out more about our strategies and key objectives to community service programs and wellbeing in the School's Striving for Excellence Strategic Plan.