
Video Stories

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The Crew go behind the scenes at camp and find out what students most enjoy.
CCGS and Hunter Valley Grammar enjoy an afternoon of friendly sporting competition.
Students are programming and building robots for the 2017 RoboCup Competition.
When it comes to teaching, Mr Littlefield is all heart.
Our girl's basketball captains reflect on a successful season.
A spoken word poem by Jack Quinlan (Year 8).
An original song from Georgia Bowers (Year 8).
See what students experience on this life changing tour.
Junior School students have just grown and harvested the biggest pumpkins we've ever seen!
Who is better at texting - students or teachers? The Digital News Crew are on the case!
All the fun and action from the Prep 2017 swimming carnival.
Paper planes soared as infants students' perfectly folded creations took full flight.