
House Families

Student wellbeing, morale, commitment and satisfaction are enhanced by the connections they make through the House system.

Each student is allocated to one of five Houses: Acacia, Banksia, Grevillea, Ironbark and Nicholii. Every week students gather for half an hour in House Families of fifteen or so children from K to 12, reflecting the notion of school as a family where every child is known and valued. Older students mentor younger ones, and the younger ones get advice from older role models.

Student leadership at CCGS

A framework of inclusive wellbeing activities delivers a variety of practical learning experiences during House Family sessions. Activities mirror the School values and ethos of respect and kindness. The framework incorporates the wellbeing principles of:

  • Leadership
  • Inclusion
  • Support
  • Student Voice
  • Community
  • Self-Awareness

A tutor oversees each group and students and tutor stay together throughout their CCGS years. Before House Family meetings the whole school assembles to celebrate our school spirit.

Friendships at Central Coast Grammar School

Students connect through House and interschool sport, debating, performing arts, community service and school outdoor education camps where they learn participation, enthusiasm, teamwork and leadership.