
Outdoor Education

Getting away from home and school on an annual outdoor education camp is a brilliant way to develop physical, emotional and interpersonal strength and get to know teachers and peers through fun, new experiences.

The Infants Camp in K to 2 prepares children for our dynamic Outdoor Education program which is led by professional outdoor educators accompanied by CCGS teachers.

Annual camps from Year 3 to Year 11 become more adventurous as students mature.

Activities like abseiling, caving, orienteering, cooking, pitching tents, bushwalking, kayaking, and horse riding allow children to step outside their comfort zone to build resilience and independence.

Outdoor education program at CCGS

Students experience the wellbeing benefits of being active in the great outdoors and bring back key learning that they can call on throughout their schooling and beyond. They learn how to solve problems with mutual respect through cooperation and communication. They build courage and strength through collaboration, negotiation and reflection on difficult challenges.

Junior Outdoor Education
  • Our youngest students in Kindergarten to Year 2 are introduced to the idea of a three day camp that is all about fun and new experiences including sport games, excursions and a community day where parents create and run activities at school.
  • Each grade from Years 3 to 6 experience an annual three day residential camp at different locations that have included Milson Island, Myuna Bay, Narrabeen and Lake Macquarie.

Exploring the great outdoors with CCGS's outdoor education program

Senior Outdoor Education
  • Middle School camps in Years 7 to 9 have included Wiseman’s Ferry, Glenworth Valley, the Cables Wake Park at Penrith and Crosslands at Galston Gorge. The Year 7 camp is a key element of transition to senior school, building relationships between new and continuing students and their House Coordinators, through a range of team and individual adventures.
  • Activities and expeditions get progressively more challenging and have included: aqua trampolining, abseiling, mud pit, canoeing, flying fox, high ropes, team initiative games, navigation bushwalking, rock climbing, wake boarding, mountain biking, horse riding and laser skirmish.
  • Senior College camps in Years 10 and 11 extend these activities and culminate in the Year 11 Summit Program with longer expeditions which have included coastal and bush hiking, geocache, mountain biking (including night riding in the Penrose State Forest), caving and kayaking. Meals are cooked on a trangia stove. Locations have included the Royal National Park and Kangaroo Valley.

Year 11 on Odyssey with Southbound Adventures at CCGS

  • Students from Years 9 to 12 can also take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, a self development program for students aged 14 to 25. Many fulfil the requirements for the Bronze award through our Outdoor Education and Community Service programs.