
Farewell Mr John Worthing

CCGS staff John Worthing

You’ve been at CCGS since 1994, in your opinion what has changed the most in teaching and what remains the same?

There’s probably more administration now than before, more time now spent on registers and programs and making sure you are accountable for your teaching work. In the workshops, even though we have new machinery and new tools, the basic principles have remained the same. We start off using the traditional tools and then move into more updated machinery that has evolved over time.

What has been the highlight of your CCGS days?

Helping the School develop the Technology Department and then moving into the new ARTECH building stand out for me. Previously our workshop was in a really old wooden demountable, just where the new Junior School is today. Moving everything from the workshop into the new ARTECH building with two large, well equipped and modern workshops was fantastic. 

What’s one lesson you’ve learnt from your students?

Don’t take them for granted or at face value. Often when you get to know a student, they have a lot more to offer than what you first thought.

What do you think are the most important skills students learn from School today and why?

For our department it’s all about life skills – knowing how to use the workshop equipment, sewing machines and key cooking skills. These are important life skills that the students pick up and something that they will value for the rest of their lives - whether that’s cooking a meal at university, fixing something that is broken, or DIY when they have a home of their own.

CCGS staff John Worthing working with a student

What advice do you have for new teachers?

Make friends with as many of the staff that you can and most of them are very open and happy to help you out. Ask for help when you need it and there’s usually always someone able to give you guidance and support.

What will you miss most about CCGS?

It would be the staff. I’ve made some very good friends and I’ll probably continue to be friends with them.

The students here are at CCGS are also great. We are very lucky that our students are so easy to work with. I have really enjoyed taking classes and teaching them particularly the Years 7 to 8, they are so effervescent and bubbly – ready to listen, learn and engage. I’ve also helped countless HSC Industrial Technology courses during my time here. There is a lot of pressure on students and teachers as we get closer to that submission date. It can be very challenging. But seeing their accomplishment and the pride they have in their work, and what they have achieved is priceless. The students feel terrific and it’s a real buzz. Families can’t believe their child has made it. They’ll often say at the end “Thank you very much Mr Worthing for helping me” and then it makes all the work before worthwhile.

What does the ‘next chapter’ hold for you?

I am hoping to travel and am looking at doing the lap around Australia, however I also have a grandchild on the way so I may need to be closer to home to fulfil my babysitting duties to begin with. We have a van and have practiced a couple of long trips so hopefully we will explore and enjoy a relaxed camping lifestyle.