
It's all about Books

Book Week goes Virtual at CCGS

The theme this year is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds.

Our Book Week Parade was so successful in 2020, we wanted to do it again in 2021 but this time through the power of technology.

We gathered our costumes and grabbed our favourite books to transport Junior and Middle School into a week of book celebration!

Families raided the costume buckets and drawers. Some kept book parade costumes simple - using items around the house that reminded us of our favourite stories. Pinocchi created his nose from a stick in garden, characters from "Shh we have a plan" were designed using blue paper and textas, and a dressing gown provided the perfect cape for Darth Vader.

Book Week competitions and games like Guess the Book in a Jar, daily book quizzes and book cover guessing provided entertainment for everyone.