
School values in action - the importance of gratitude

Students at CCGS thank people in community

Each and every day, people across our community have been going the extra mile and more to help us get through the coronavirus pandemic.

Head Prefects and House Captains asked students from K to 12 to come together and think about someone who has helped them or our community. Whether it’s the farmer who is toiling away to keep us fed, the health care workers who are on the frontlines, or the local supermarket checkout staff, students united and said thank you for keeping us safe and healthy. 

According to Headspace, showing gratitude can also provide a boost to your own mental health. It allows us to recognise the things that others have done for us, as well as what we have, rather than focusing on what we don’t.

Mrs Jacki Lynch, Deputy Head of Middle School said, “Saying thank you is one of the simplest, yet most powerful things we can do as human beings. It was wonderful seeing students embrace the concept of gratitude and share their thanks with others.”

Messages of thanks

Students made signs and displayed their appreciation via photos or videos to doctors, nurses, grandparents, aged care workers, teachers, parents, researchers, cleaners - the list of those thanked was endless.

Here's a glimpse of some of the thank you messages:

  • Mum for always making sure we are ok and going to work every day - Year 11 student
  • All the people working in the shops. Thank you for keeping the shops open so we have food - Kindergarten student
  • We are thanking the undervalued and underappreciated heroes in the pandemic, the cleaners, who are reducing the amount of germs in these public areas in assisting to prevent the spread of COVID-19 - Year 8 student
  • I'm thanking all the doctors, scientists and researchers for trying to find ways to treat, cure or vaccinate COVID-19 - Year 11 student
  • Daddy and mummy for looking after me at home - Year 1 student
  • Delivery people for still working so we can get food without going out - Year 3 student
  • Thank you teachers for continuing to teach us through this tough time - Year 4 student
  • I am thanking the farmers as they often go unnoticed. They are the ones working tirelessly to try and keep food on people's plates - Year 11 student
  • I am thanking my family because they have made this tough time fun and a great way to spend quality time with - Year 8 student
  • Everyone for their cooperation in this pandemic as without their help, it would take much longer for us to return back to normal and it puts less stress on essential workers - Year 11 student
  • I'm thanking teachers around the world for changing their way of teaching so we can continue to learn safely - Year 5 student

We are very proud of the CCGS community spirit. Thank you to every student who was involved and shared their thanks with others.