
The spirit of B Kinder Day

B Kind Day

Established in memory of 12-year-old Billie Kinder, who died in a tragic accident in May 2016, aims to empower and inspire people to make a difference through human kindness.

The annual B Kinder Day aims to spread kindness, empower children and show that they have the ability to make a difference.

At CCGS, we took it a step further and expanded the initiative to an entire week.

Junior School teacher, Mrs Natalie Kell said, “We have been doing it for a few years now and it’s a lovely thing. On the actual B Kinder Day, June 22, all the children wrote a card for someone they care about – from friends to family – to spread kindness. But we had a full range of activities throughout the week, including decorating rocks with quotes of kindness, which the children gave to others or hid in gardens to be discovered later."

"We also have seven giant kindness trees in our neighbourhood areas and every time someone does an act of kindness it is written on a petal and added to one of the trees.”

Making cards on B Kind Day

Kindness grows

In keeping with B Kinder Day’s theme of kindness grows and spreads, each classroom had a flowerpot filled with sand containing paper flowers with kindness quotes written on them.

“The children also wrote stories on acts of kindness which they have experienced and each class made a class kindness book,” Mrs Kell said.

“We finished off the week with a crazy hat day, where children raised money through gold coin donations for World Vision to spread kindness to others. The children worked really hard to spread kindness within the school and the community all week.”
