
Starting High School

Starting high school is a moment of huge growth and development. It's a time when friendships are forged, and children carve out their place in life and begin to question the world around them.

CCGS is a diverse, vibrant and forward-thinking community. We're here to provide support, guidance and encouragement along every step of your child's journey.

Every year we welcome around 40 new Year 7 students from families just like yours. We have five Year 7 roll call groups divided by House, with approximately 25 students in each class creating many connections between different personalities and interests.

Middle School is a time in your child's life of growth and change. The connections your child makes will set the groundwork for them to feel happy, safe and secure as they navigate their way through adolescence into adulthood.

What does it mean for your child?

Student wellbeing is central

Your child will be assigned to a House and will have the direct support of a House Coordinator who is here to monitor your child's emotional health, academic progress and make sure they are settling into life in Year 7. 

Next generation learners are inspired
Next generation learners

We encourage our students to achieve their best, delight in discovery and apply critical thinking. Your child will become an active learner with engaging and challenging lessons where every student is expected to take an active part.

Cocurricular opportunities at CCGS
Cocurricular opportunities

Our students thrive on the depth and variety of the cocurricular program we have on offer. CCGS is a place where you can discover who you want to be and what change in the world you want to make. Creative arts, robotics, coding, theatre, sport and more. There is something for everyone.

Mentoring and leading
Community service and leadership

Year 7 students are encouraged to support and guide younger students in Junior School. There are always opportunities to volunteer to help with cocurricular groups or build bonds with younger members of their House family. In Year 9 students are expected to volunteer time to support a worthwhile community project.

We help students achieve their academic potential
Academic Achievement

We see every child as an individual whom we take on their own journey; success will look different for each of them. What is not different is the high expectations that we have of and for them to achieve their very best in all that they do. 

Find out more about enrolling in Year 7
  • The enrolment journey starts at the beginning of Year 6 with an information event and invitation to families on the waitlist to attend an enrolment interview with the Head of Middle School, to align hopes and expectations.
  • In Term 4 all new and continuing students complete an academic screening test so we know where they are up to when organising class placement and planning extension and support. CCGS is not an academically selective school.
  • Getting to Know You Day at the end of Year 6 is a fun and informal experience for new and continuing students to get to know each other and their teachers.
  • The smooth transition continues once Year 7 begins with five or six buddies assigned to each new student, creating lots of connections between different personalities and interests.
  • Year 7 Parent Representatives welcome all new families. Parents can make new friends and meet teachers informally at the Headmaster’s Welcome Gathering at the start of the year.
  • A couple of weeks into term, parents meet key staff looking after their child at a Year 7 information evening and can get their initial questions answered.
  • An Outdoor Education Camp wraps up the first term, cementing bonds between students and teachers.
  • Parents receive their child’s Personal Learning Profile (PLP) at the end of Term 1 and attend a parent teacher consultation at the start of Term 2, to see how things are going emotionally and academically and to iron out any bumps.
Book a Tour

Come and see for yourself. Visit our campus and discover first-hand what an education at CCGS will look like for your child.